He was a skaterboi - plot twist she was one too

So, when Xinghe and Ada told me they wanted to include their skateboard and longboard in their pre-wedding shoot, i said YES like some kind of proposal happened. How often do you get some cool street kids in your pics?

Okay so maybe their skate skills are at the beginner’s stage but that’s STILL cool. Speaking of cool, it was a really cool day. We beat the November rainy weather by hiding in the flower and cloud domes of Gardens By The Bay. The best thing about having a pre-wedding shoot here is the great escort service by the amazing staff who care for you from start to finish for a meagre cost of $138 for the 2 hour slot. Would recommend any time!

Dressed in a red Qi Pao, Ada cast a strong contrast against the greens of the forest and the lines of the domes. It greatly helped that both of them were equally crazy as we dove in and out to explore and experiment against every backdrop possible. We even spotted another couple having their pre-wedding photos and said hey why not use THAT too?

Even as GBTB becomes quite the hotspot for couples and families to have their photos taken at, it’s always important to continue to explore and find quiet corners that represent the moment with what’s presented to you. I’ve learnt that while we can orchestrate the time and location to shoot, the variable of light and weather is never in our hands. It’s up to us as a wedding photographer to make the magic happen with our keen eyes.

Even as we trekked out of the flower dome, we caught a little special moment that happens only at the timing we exited, a sliver of light falling down on the stained coloured glass above casting gorgeous red and blue hues on the floor. Xinghe and Ada dove to the floor and we captured this! Even the staff following us swore she’d never seen anyone do it. First time for everything!

Great shots in the bag, we knew we wanted to get those skateboard shots nonetheless, with little time on hand, we decided to extend our 3 hours to 4 and boy it was worth it. Quickly popping over to Golden Mile Tower where it was quieter and immediate shelter was readily available should the storm clouds come our way, Xinghe and Ada made a quick change and drove over for a new vibe and out came the boards!

We rolled around, had lots of fun and even managed to strike a few quirkly poses before ditching the boards for some hunting of unique corners in this old school building.

As we wound down our session with our time coming to an end, we couldn’t wait to see all the images. They were so unique and just talking about it as we made our way back to our cars made me so excited to work on them. We even had some quick sneak peeks to stir our appetites and by the end of the night, it was all worth it staring at the hundreds of gorgeous frames that would forever immortalise these moments. The journey has only begun, because i’m yet to see these explosive couple again in December for their actual day. And boy I can’t wait to make even better images then!

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Timothy Sim

Your role model photographer


When crazy meets crazy


A carefully planned pre-wedding with Daniel and Sabrina