Jemima - The promise after the storm

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Keith and Sarah are long time regulars and friends. I’ve known Keith and Sarah for years and have documented their journey from marriage to parenthood.

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Those were happier days, but there was a time when happier days weren’t so happy too. A short period of time down the road, Keith and Sarah were trying for a baby. I don’t know how to put it in words because I don’t think there’s ever an easy way to explain losing a baby. But that’s what happened. I can’t imagine their grief when it happened. Even as I type this with my opinions and thoughts, I feel a mix of emotions myself; deep sadness and some fear if it could one day happen to me too.

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But these are strong and proud people I know. With their community, friends and family surrounding them, they found reason to hope again and the promise to try once more. I had the privilege of returning to document this journey once more.

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As Keith and Sarah waited on Jemima with an uncontainable excitement, I too felt excited for the new life and the world she was going to be in with this amazing couple. Fiercely brave, intelligent and loyal, Jem would be in the hands of the best parents she would have. Keith and Sarah have so much reason to be proud of this. They’ve been soldiers!

At last she made it out and got through her first few months. We couldn’t be there to document because of the Covid-19’s pandamic heightened alert. But we made it in time to celebrate her first 100 days on this planet.

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Jemima is special. I’ve not met a baby so far who right off the bat is okay with me carrying them. I know some people think i’m some baby whisperer, sometimes I wish I were too, but sometimes my nephew thinks otherwise (maybe he’s just being coy. When he’s at home, his mum catches him muttering my name under his breath. We don’t know why either i’m so popular with him). I couldn’t help but beam with joy upon meeting Jem. But I think you’d want to know her story too.

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Jemima’s name means “Dove” a nice peaceful meaning, but Sarah explained that the real meaning behind the choice of the name dates back to the book of Job in the Bible. If you’re an avid reader, you’ll know the story, but for everyone else, I got you.

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Job was an early character in the Bible whom God allowed to be tested by the devil for his faith and trust in Him in spite of any circumstance. The devil plagued Job with illnesses, destroyed his businesses when raiders took all his livestock and at the peak of his trials, the house that all his children were in collapsed as they were in one place, killing basically everyone and everything he owned and had in one fell swoop. There would have been so many reasons for Job to be depressed, curse his life and curse God. But Job stood on his trust in God and said that all he owned first belonged to God and if He gave, He can take away and Job would still worship God. Such a character is full of strength and maturity. I don’t think even I would have the capacity to do the same.

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What does this have to do with Jemima then? Well, when the testing was over and God basically told the devil “u duno one la”, he restored everything back to Job twicefold. Even the children that he and his wife found hope to have again, he doubled and prospered. The first daughter’s name? Jemima. Brb, someone’s cutting onions nearby…

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Keith and Sarah decided to call their first daughter Jemima. It couldn’t be more apt a name to call her. Today is the exact day that Jemima turns 100 days and we have the honour and joy of celebrating her life together. Jemima is truly blessed, and so too are Keith and Sarah. Because after the storm, comes the promise.

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