Keeping it simple with Clifton and Vera

Clifton & Vera Cover

I really enjoy simple weddings with no frills and little fanfare. Mostly because I get to focus so much more on the couple and the things happening around them than a curated set of activities. Don’t get me wrong, not that I don’t do, hate or shy away from the gatecrashes and whatnot. I just love the unplanned and chill moments so much more. It give so much creative freedom to explore!

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Most wedding couples who approach me come with the chill vibe in mind often ask me, “What kind of images can you get? We can imagine literally nothing happening.” and I always answer “you’ll be surprised how much more i’ll have, every little detail and behind the scenes!”

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Even if you’re not a “details’ kind of person, it’s always nice to have documentation of things happening around the house and things as they were because when you look back, you’ll remember “Oh wow, those things happened when I wasn’t around?” It’s great to have a story told for you in many different perspectives!

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So with all this in mind, starting at Clifton and Vera’s place was an easy affair. In fact, all weddings in Singapore should really be like theirs. Chill, easy, fuss-free. They took their time to prepare and have a little fun in the process. Quirky (at least to me) vibing to shire music really had us prancing and hopping like little hobbits. Okay, maybe only Clifton.

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At last we were all set to go, but before that, we decided to run off some quirky portraits in the house. “You’re not gonna do that hold hand look at you thing with us right?” Vera quipped at the common couple pose that everyone gets everyone to do. “No of course not, we do you unless maybe I SHOULD do it to troll you?” I replied. We didn’t do it. I swear. We opted for the unconventional vacuum pose.

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As we rolled off to the church, just less than a kilometer away, i marveled at how easily accessible weddings can be in Singapore. You take a car and within minutes less to an hour you’re there at your location. These are just some thing we take for granted that I felt are so important. It means, less travel time, more sleep too. Of course, we said had to goodbye to August the kitty first. Have I told you guys how much of a sucker I am for cats? I’m such a sucker for cats.

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Again i’m thankful to be able to shoot in such a time as this with the pandemic going on. As I write this, we’re in yet another heightened alert with larger restrictions and it’s difficult to navigate weddings, but to be able to continue is better than not being able to at all.

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Back to our gorgeous pair..even with lesser people, seeing the guests and family being in the hall to celebrate with them is still a sight to see. I reckon it’s a new normal to see a covid wedding in Singapore.

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Even as we get used to shooting in this new normal, to be it’s great that the numbers are lesser as it gives us a lot more intimacy and keeps the wedding personable between the couple and their guests. Then again, we make do with regulations (sometimes seemingly silly) like “You may now hug the bride” instead of a first kiss. Well. Can’t help THAT.

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Even as we ended our day at the church, we took some time to get some simple portraits, Clifton, Vera and I. As we wrapped up our final portrait, I turned to them and decided I DID want to troll them after all.

“Hey remember that hold hands and look at me shot?”

“Oh man he’s gonna make us do it.”

“Do it.”

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Loved this blog post? Enjoy the gallery down below!

Timothy Sim

Your role model photographer

Mavin and Victoria - The one we waited for


Zander, Stephanie and the cosy surprise