You are what you read

Books Cover

There’s this one thing i’ve been doing at every house visit I make, be it an actual day wedding, or a pre-wedding shoot, or even a family shoot at home. Once I enter the place, I often find myself snooping around the house looking for the coveted shelf of books.

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It’s a very, very interesting feeling when I first spot the row of books when I enter the room. Some are neatly arranged, some basically an organised chaos. More than ever, I notice how some of these books give me a small insight into my brides, or what the family is like.

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For the families, it’s usually a very organised row (or a whole library) of children’s classics. Waves of nostalgia when I spy Enid Blyton or Roald Dahl sending me back to my own childhood days.

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Amongst that, I get to spot the mix of culture and intentional teachings that my brides or the children in the room subject themselves to. I get the Japanese crash-courses, and then I see a fair mix of English and Chinese books for the early readers.

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But the cool ones are the ones that clearly reflect against the type of people they are too. You get military-related books for the regular soldiers, and then you get Traditional Chinese Medicine books for the medical practitioners.

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There are of course the great self-helps and spiritual books I come across and in the process, I do find similar books which even I have come across and read. It makes for great conversation starters when I make conversation based on these books that I too have once pored over!

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But at the end of the day, everyone has their own favourites. and it’s one of my favourite moments that I look forward to at each shoot. You are what you read, and to me, that’s absolutely facinating.

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Timothy Sim

Your role model photographer

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